Saturday, April 14, 2012

Review: The Adventures of the Elementals

[Comedy] [Adventure] [Random]

Author: AutoKnight01

DescriptionTwilight's library is chock full of books. And her life along with all of her friends are about to be turned upside down. When she stumbles across a secret area in her library she never knew existed, she finds an old book along with a letter hidden in the pages. Now Twilight and her friends set out on a journey to find six more ponies who come from the country that neighbors Equestria from the East. Alamante. The land of elements and a place where everypony has a unique gift over one of the six elements of nature. Wind, fire, ice, plasma, water, and earth.

The Adventures of the Elementals

Status: Incomplete, currently at eleven chapters

Spelling/Grammar: tons of spelling errors (mostly just mis-typed letters), haven't noticed any grammer mistakes, though other people have

Summary: It's very well written, all the humor is very well integrated, all the canon characters are intact (i.e. no change in personality/are in character).  I recommend this story to anyone.

Review: The story starts out with Twilight and friends finding a book in a secret compartment in the library about the neighboring country of Alamante where civil war has broken out and in the book there's a letter saying in order to stop the war, a prophecy telling of six ponies, one from each of the Almante tribes, who must come together, to end the war.  Amazingly the mane6 find all six ponies living together in whitetail woods (I believe this is where running of the leaves happened), and convince them to come to ponyville.  But somehow Nightmare Moon's come back (this time separate from Luna), and is seeking revenge (who'd have guessed?).  After a fight scene pitting shadowmares (Nightmare Moon's minions) against the six Alamantians (who as a group are called the 'Elementals'. The Elementals easily beat the shadowmares (whole scene was to show off their badass skills).  The Elemental's home (it's inside of a giant rock) get's blown up by Nightmare Moon, so the Elementals decide to stay in ponyville with the mane6 to protect them (because the mane6 don't know how to fight), it's decided that one of the Elementals should stay with each of the mane6, after this there is one crazy fight scene (see next section), but mostly it's been the interaction between the Elementals and the mane6 and other residents of ponyville, and that's currently where the plot is at. ((so how did I do on summarizing the story?))
This story straddles the line between taking itself seriously and being totally crazy.  For example, it went from telling the dark backstory of one of the Elementals to a fight scene done to 'Moves by Jagger', literally the song is playing in the background in the story (the fact that one of the Elementals has human music is lampshaded).  For the majority of the fight scene it was just one of one of the Elementals 'fighting' (and by fighting I mean using a combination of dance moves, martial arts, elemental powers, and skating (he controls ice so he froze the floor)), then it turns into a duet where both ponies are 'dancing' and all the while both ponies are singing the song.  Then the story gets serious again when one of the Elementals takes a shot mean for Rainbow and the guy who's a total jerk (this is an in-story description of him), shows that he's not a total jerk by healing her.  Did I also mention that one of the Elementals has giant clam THAT TALKS?  This story has the same amount of seriousness as crazy, which in my opinion is a good thing.

Final Thoughts: If you can look past the numerous spelling errors, there's an extremely good story here that is both funny and serious.  I'm looking forwards to more.

((I think did pretty well, given this is my first review, thoughts?))

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