Saturday, April 14, 2012

demo review

Here's the format I'll use to do my reviews:

Title (usually in the post title)

Image (if the story has one)

Tags (like shipping, comedy, slice of life etc.) (usually will be copypaste from the source)


Description (taken straight from the source)

Link to story

Link to EQD (if it has a page there)

Status (if it's complete or not, and how many chapters it has)

Level of grammer/spelling errors (I won't go over the story with a fine toothed comb, but if the story does suffer from a lot of errors I will point it out)

Summary (if you're too lazy to read the full review/don't want any spoilers)

Review (probably will contain spoilers, at least until I learn how to do these)

Final thoughts

I won't give out a rating (star, letter, or number based) yet, until I feel comfortable giving out criticism (and maybe not even then, because somethings can't be summed up by a simple rating)

((this post was as much as getting my own thoughts in order as it was explaining my system to you the reader))

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